A clock is the work of craftsmen : cabinetmakers, gilders, decorators, varnishing specialists and enamellers, who passionately cultivate their working techniques in the field of clock making tradition to give your clock the value of a unique masterpiece.
Carved out of lime tree wood, which has been dried for ten years, then sandpapered by hand, the cabinet is coated with eight layers of chalky primer. Each layer is delicately sandpapered. A special liquid is used so the 23,75 carat gold leaves applied on the feet and the wooden rods of the cabinet according to a secular method adhere properly. When dry, the gold is polished, given a patina or aged by means of a round agate.
The basic backdrop decoration of a clock is black, red, green, or any other colour you care to choose. It is enhanced with coloured flowers, hand painted by an artist or with any special decoration you may have chosen. A protecting layer of varnish, called « vernis Martin » tones down the colours and protects the decoration. The dial is enamelled on a convex copper plate, cooked several times in an oven ; it is signed :

The clock strikes on the hour and the half-hour on one or two striking mechanisms fixed on a mechanical movement which runs accurately for eight days. The striking mechanism is delayed thanks to a comb, the escapement is with anchor and the pendulum is hooked on a thin suspending plate. The movement is controlled during one month before being inserted into the cabinet. The clock is guaranteed for five years.
The price of the clock depends on its size, its decoration, the presence of an automaton. To create such type of special clocks, the delay is of four months without automaton and one year for a model with automaton.
- « Neuchâteloise » clock in the style Louis the 16th, the crowned by a small statue of a Harlequin.
- « Neuchâteloise » clock in the style Louis 16th, crowned by a fishman.
- Musical clock in the style Louis the XIIIth, decorated with one Pierrot automaton.
- « Neuchâteloise » clock in the style Louis the 16th.
- « Neuchâteloise » clock in the style Louis the 16th.
- First clock erotic, in the style Louis XIII.
- Automate of a 25 cm an high, carved by hand out of lime tree wood.